What’s New on Mannatech.com!
We know that you and your team and customers depend on Mannatech.com to deliver not only great content about all things Mannatech, but to ensure a great Associate and customer experience. That’s why we are excited to share with you some of the updates that we are working on to further enhance that experience.
Look for monthly blog posts to announce these enhancements as well as a permanent home under In the Field / What’s new on Mannatech.com in case you miss.
November – January 2022 Updates
- MightyBears Page – We couldn’t be more excited about the launch of MightyBears earlier this month, along with its new vanity page! The newly designed page includes an updated product description and benefits sections, as well as a new video that shares how MightyBears are FUNdemental nutrition for the whole family. Be sure to share the new page with your friends, family and prospects. US only.
- Happy Gut Page – As you know, optimal health starts with a healthy, nourished gut. That’s why we are excited to share the new Happy Gut Box page that shares the four key products that are essential to optimal gut health. The page also includes a section for your prospects to easily sign up for the Happy Gut Box subscription that is delivered right to their home each month! Click the link to see the new page and be sure and share it on your social media! (US)
- M5M Corporate Page Redesign—The M5M Foundation page not only has been freshly updated with eye-popping graphics, we also introduce our new partnership with Kids Around the World, including the HopeZone locations where kids are ministered to and care for. Best of all, we have included five new superbly-produced videos from a recent trip to Ecuador that are perfect to share on social media about how to get involved with the M5M cause. Click the link to see the new page. (all countries)
- Welcoming 5 EU Companies: In-Language Sites—We would like to extend a warm welcome to the newest partner countries to the Mannatech family: Belgium, France, Greece, Italy and Luxembourg. Each country has access to their own in-language link on the “Welcome to Mannatech” home page, as well as in-language access to the Mannatech Library.
- Union Pay—Union Pay Credit Card payments are easier than ever. Simply provide your mobile phone number when you select this payment method, and the provider will send the purchaser a one-time pin (OTP) via SMS to enter during the payment process. US and Canadian Associates are no longer redirected to approve the transaction. Instead, they will now receive an SMS to approve the charge. Make sure to give it a try! (US/CA only)