Don’t Let the Cold Damage Your Skin: Tips on Maintaining Great Skin During the winter
Winter is just around the corner, and one of the first victims of cold, blustery weather is our skin. Preventing damage to the skin is sometimes overlooked in the winter compared to the summer when more skin exposed. However, a proactive skin care regime is crucial during the winter to prevent irritation and damage from dry air, harsh wind and indoor heating. Mannatech offers these tips to help combat skin damage from cold weather:
- Healthy body, healthy skin – Don’t let dark days and cold weather keep you from maintaining an exercise program or allow your diet to slide. The healthier you are, the better your skin will look. Moderate exercise with a balanced diet will help you keep your skin glowing.
- Lotion wonderland – Keep a bottle of lotion handy to keep your skin, especially your hands, moisturized and supple.
- Water wellness – Part of an overall wellness regime is hydration. Just because you do not sweat in cooler weather, doesn’t mean your body isn’t thirsting for water.
- Winter UV – If there is light, there are UV rays. It may not feel as harsh as the summer sun, but the winter UV rays inflict just as much damage. So continue applying sunblock when going outdoors during the daylight hours.
- Heater beating – Indoor heating is notoriously dry and with that dry air comes the possibility of dry skin. To combat this problem, use skin lotions as well as a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
- Hibernation time – An overall wellness program is going to be difficult without proper sleep. By getting enough rest, your body and your skin has time to recover and heal stresses brought on by cold weather.
The first line of defense for your skin against winter weather is Mannatech’s Generation Ūth™ skin care products. Mannatech’s Ūth Rejuvenation Crème has been formulated to fortify the skin and has been shown in clinical trials to hydrate skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.*
For more information about Mannatech or its line of skin care products, go to: http://us.mannatech.com/products/personal/.
*Results and timing vary. It is recommended to use product for eight weeks for optimal results.