Dr. Nugent: Need a Boost? Get it with MannaBOOM (video) (+中文)
Want to find out where the BOOM in MannaBOOM comes from? Just watch the video (above) that features Dr. Steve Nugent, Mannatech’s Senior Global Wellness Director and Chairman of the Global Scientific Advisory Board talking about the MannaBOOM advantage.
Dr. Nugent talks about how MannaBOOM includes his favorite nutritional ingredient, Manapol. “It is easy to understand why this product is called MannaBOOM,” Dr. Nugent said. “It is powerful!”
To make sure you feel the BOOM, take advantage of this great, September only special that ends on Saturday, September 30th. Buy 2 boxes of MannaBOOM slimsticks, and get 1 box (a $43.99 Retail Value) FREE!
Spread the word and get ready for the BOOM during September. Item #56501, Associate/Preferred Customer Price: $79.98; Retail Price: $87.98; PV 80. Available in the U.S. Not for resale in Canada. This promotion is available for one-time orders only and is redeemable with loyalty points.
Go HERE to order your MannaBOOM before the September-only special ends!
Dr. Nugent: 需要精力充沛?从MannaBOOM可以获取
想要了解MannaBOOM怎样使您精力充沛?只需观看视频(上面),即Mannatech高级全球健康总监Steve Nugent博士,全球科学顾问委员会主席,在视频中探讨MannaBOOM的优势。
Nugent博士谈到MannaBOOM中含有他最喜欢的营养成分,醣王(Manapol)。 “很容易理解为什么这个产品叫做MannaBOOM,”Nugent博士说。 “这是超强产品!”
请在9月份中传递这个消息来购买BOOM。 产品编号#56501,经销商/优惠客户价格:$ 79.98; 零售价:$ 87.98; PV 80。仅限美国销售,加拿大使用非转售模式。 此促销活动仅适用于一次性订单,并可通过积分兑换。
点击这里 HERE,在9月份的特价优惠结束之前订购你的MannaBOOM!