M5M℠ Foundation Update
Mannatech announced the launch of the M5M Foundation in January 2015. This independent, non-profit organization is helping combat global childhood malnutrition by coordinating Mannatech’s efforts to connect children in need with nutritious PhytoBlend™ powder.
As of May 6, 2015, Mannatech will no longer support MannaRelief through the Hope and Blessing programs. After this date, MannaRelief will no longer distribute Mannatech products.
The following FAQs can help provide answers regarding this change.
If I am personally sponsoring a Hope or Blessing recipient, what should I do?
Please contact MannaRelief at (817) 557-8700 to obtain personal account information regarding Hope and Blessing recipients.
Will I be able to sponsor a child or missionary through the M5M Foundation with Mannatech products?
The M5M Foundation is currently focused on providing donations of PhytoBlend powder through Mannatech’s M5M program. There are no other programs in place at this time.
What is the Mission 5 Million℠ (M5M℠) Program?
Mannatech’s M5M program is simple yet powerful. You consume the products you need, and Mannatech helps a child in need. For every purchase of Mannatech products, a donation is made to the M5M Foundation, which will go toward the purchase of PhytoBlend powder to help nourish children in need.
Which Mannatech markets are currently participating in the M5M program?
All Mannatech markets are able to participate in the M5M program.
Which Mannatech products generate a donation to the M5M Foundation?
All Mannatech finished product sales generate a donation to the M5M Foundation.
I know an orphanage/organization that could benefit from improved nutrition. What can I do?
With the expected growth of Mannatech’s M5M program, the M5M Foundation hopes to expand the number of orphanages and organizations supported. If you wish to nominate an orphanage or organization, please contact Sarah Bowen, Executive Director of the M5M Foundation, at SBowen@M5MFoundation.org.
Where can I get more information about the M5M Foundation?
For more information about the M5M Foundation, please visit M5MFoundation.org or email info@M5MFoundation.org.
Where can I get more information about Mannatech’s M5M program?
For more information about Mannatech’s M5M program, please visit Mannatech.com.
†The M5M Foundation is an independent organization. It is not owned or operated by Mannatech, Incorporated.