Tips: How a Generation Ūth™ Business Builder Creates Her Own At-Home Spa Parties
NAME: Loredana Millar
RANK: Regional Director
LOCATION: Huntsville, Ontario, CA
Loredana Millar, a Mannatech Associate and Generation Ūth business builder, has seen great success with throwing Generation Ūth parties for friends, guests and prospects. One of her most recent parties, which was spa-themed, attracted new prospects who were excited about the amazing spa recipes she demonstrated. She shared insight into how she began planning and executing a successful spa party.
What inspired you to make your own Home Spa?
I listened to Mannatech’s Global Director of Skincare Tammie Mayer’s three-part video series on hosting Ūth events. Tammie suggests making events unique and different than anyone else out there. I knew I could create an event that would set Mannatech apart and draw-in prospects through a different experience than your normal, traditional “home parties.” That is when I began to envision a spa theme, especially because Mannatech’s Ūth Rejuvenation Crème is so luxurious and effective. It made sense to me to put the two together. It is also fun to incorporate different seasons into your spa event, such as Valentine’s Day, or a Muskoka theme with pinecones and birch. The options are limitless. You can have so much fun planning your event and create something inviting for your guests. The goal is to have them leave the event talking about it with their friends and everyone they know.
I knew I could create an event that would set Mannatech apart and draw-in prospects through a different experience than your normal, traditional “home parties.””
What did you do to prepare and set up for your event?
When I think of a spa, I think of women who want to relax and get the best treatment out of their experience. I personally want to let the cares of the world melt away and be treated with products that truly work and are good for me. Mannatech’s Ūth Rejuvenation Crème does exactly that, so it is perfect for a spa theme.
I spent a lot of time thinking and envisioning how it would look to put on a spa themed event. As I wrote things down, more and more ideas came to mind. I started searching the Internet for ideas on how to make my own props and decorations to get the feel of a spa. I was dreaming big, and I wanted the event to be successful. I really wanted women and men to enter the room and be wowed by the first thing – the visual! That’s when I got the idea to create my own paper flowers by hand – big ones, little ones and everything in between, to bring everything together.
Then I wanted guests to smell the amazing Mannatech 100% Essential Oils™ line diffusing throughout the room. And as they went to sit down at their seat, I wanted them to feel pampered, so I prepared foot soaks for each seat so they could relax as they listened to important information about Mannatech’s very unique and effective cream.
I had bamboo towels nicely folded beside the foot soak tubs with spa rocks to give guests even more of the at-home spa feeling. All the little details were carefully put together and thought out.
I was dreaming big, and I wanted the event to be successful.”
How did you come up with these creative recipes? You created a Lavender Foot Soak and a Peppermint Body Scrub?
Pinterest is a good source to get ideas, recipes and decoration inspiration. I pulled all kinds of ideas to fit my own likes and vision. After I found some recipes I liked, I tweaked them a bit to make them what I wanted. That’s the beauty of event planning, you can basically do anything you can imagine. Test each recipe and see how it works, then adjust the ingredients accordingly to customize it. Of course you need to use the samples on yourself to ensure they are nice and the experience is amazing.
I used the lavender oil from the Mannatech 100% Essential Oils line for the foot soak tub, along with Epsom salts, and I even put some rose petals in there too. You can use whatever you want to do – stones or jewels – the possibilities are endless.
I also created a peppermint body scrub, and gave it out to guests as gifts. Everyone was excited and thrilled to try it. The scrub smells so wonderful when you open it, and my friends loved using it as well.
Because putting together the scrub involves a little bit of money, I don’t just give it out randomly. I save the scrub bottles as incentives to come to our events. I make a few batches at a time to have as prizes or gifts.
I also promote Emprizone® gel and FIRM with Ambrotose® body crème, to go along with our skincare regimen. I follow Tammie Mayer’s suggestion to add Mannatech 100% Essential Oils line to the Ūth Cleanser and the FIRM with Ambrotose body crème. I add Lemon Essential Oil to the cleanser, and I add Lavender Essential Oil to the FIRM with Ambrotose. They both smell so amazing, and it is very invigorating in the morning to smell the lemon as you wash your face. Of course the Lavender Essential Oil is perfect for your body cream because it smells fantastic and is soothing and calming, especially before going to bed.
That’s the beauty of event planning, you can basically do anything you can imagine.”
What do you suggest to anyone throwing events or parties?
Follow Tammie Mayer’s plans and layouts which are on Mannatech’s Resource Library. These resources include:
- Generation Ūth Event Plan
- Generation Ūth Event PowerPoint
- Generation Ūth Invitation (Print)
- Generation Ūth Event Attendance List
- Generation Ūth Event Survey Card
Also, be sure you watch Tammie Mayer’s training video:
- Generation Ūth Training Video with Tammie Mayer – Party Planning!
- Generation Ūth Training Video: Event Planning Part Two!
- Generation Ūth Training Video: Event Planning Part Three!
These resources are perfectly laid out so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel. All you have to do is add you own flare and theme to it to make it your own. It has been so much fun and I am getting great results.