Updated: Earn Your Way to Puerto Rico PLUS Earn an Extra Night for FREE! (+中文)
For the first time ever, Mannatech is going to Puerto Rico and we want YOU to be on the trip with us! We have announced the launch of our 2017 Incentive Challenge to Puerto Rico, which runs BP 3 through BP 7 of 2017.
All qualified Associates will be eligible to earn the Incentive Trip, where you can relax on the beautiful beaches of this Caribbean island! Our tier one awards for the winners include hotel accommodations for two individuals for four nights in Puerto Rico, a cash allowance to help purchase round-trip airfare for two individuals from the U.S. and Canada, round-trip transportation to and from the incentive airport, a gift card and unbelievably fun activities and entertainment throughout the Incentive Trip.
Fifth Night Bonus: If you earn an additional 10,000 GPV new growth, you can earn an additional night in Puerto Rico for two people, PLUS a $200 gift card (all other rules apply).
This is YOUR YEAR to join us on the Incentive Trip and to have some fun and reward yourself for your hard work and dedication to your Mannatech business. Make the commitment today to join us and enjoy all that this fun trip will have in store for you. Don’t wait – get started on earning your trip today!
MannaFest℠ Mania
To help you more quickly earn your way on the Incentive Trip and to generate excitement in the field for TruHealth™ and MannaFest 2017, we’ve created a MannaFest Mania incentive to help you!
Here’s how it works: Enrollers will earn double points for every TruHealth™ Fat Loss System product bundle or pack that is sold with a retail value of $249 or more BP 3 and BP 4 of 2017 (February 11 through April 7, 2017).
And that’s not all! You’ll receive bonus GPV – your U.S. and Canada GPV from BP 2 will count toward the Incentive Trip even though the challenge officially starts in BP 3.
What are you waiting for? Get started now!
Be sure to read the official 2017 Rules for the North America Incentive Challenge (United States and Canada) for more information.
Also, please make sure you review your Success Tracker report daily to keeps tabs on your progress.
所有合格的经销商将有资格获得奖励旅行,在那里您可以放松享受加勒比海岛美丽的海滩!我们的一级奖获奖者将获得包括波多黎各两人四晚的酒店住宿,现金津贴帮助购买从美国和加拿大两人往返机票,两人往返奖励旅行机场的运输费用, 礼品卡和奖励旅行中令人难以置信的有趣活动和娱乐。
第五夜奖励:如果您能获得额外10,000 GPV的新增长,您可以在波多黎哥获得额外的可供两人共度的一个夜晚,加一张$ 200礼品卡(在满足所有其它条件基础上)。
这是您加入我们奖励旅行的一年,来享受乐趣和奖励您自己基于您的辛勤工作和对Mannatech业务的奉献精神。今天承诺加入我们,来享受为您计划好的乐趣之旅。 不要等待,今天就开始赚取您的旅行吧!
MannaFest℠ 年会狂潮
如何操作:2017年BP3和BP4 ,每个TruHealth™的减肥套装或TruHealth™注册套装, 零售价在249美金或以上,推荐人会得到双倍的积分 (2017年2月11日至4月7日) 。
这还不是全部!您还会收到奖励积分– BP2您美国和加拿大积分也会算入到在BP3开始的奖励旅游。
在今年的MannaFest年会,定于拉斯维加斯4月6 – 10日,90天之后全新的你转型挑战的加入者会展示甩掉脂肪塑造肌肉转型后全新的体态,您不会想错过这见证转变的一刻。
更多信息, 请一定阅读官方2017北美奖励挑战规则 (美国和加拿大)。