FamilyLife Today® Podcast

Stronger Together: Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn

with Brant Hansen, Sherri Lynn | April 13, 2023
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Who do you know that's different enough to make you better? Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn, national syndicated radio hosts of the Brant Hansen Show, talk about why they're so much stronger together.

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  • Dave and Ann Wilson

    Dave and Ann Wilson are hosts of FamilyLife Today®, FamilyLife’s nationally-syndicated radio program. Dave and Ann have been married for more than 38 years and have spent the last 33 teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. They have been featured speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® marriage getaway since 1993 and have also hosted their own marriage conferences across the country. Cofounders of Kensington Church—a national, multicampus church that hosts more than 14,000 visitors every weekend—the Wilsons are the creative force behind DVD teaching series Rock Your Marriage and The Survival Guide To Parenting, as well as authors of the recently released book Vertical Marriage (Zondervan, 2019). Dave is a graduate of the International School of Theology, where he received a Master of Divinity degree. A Ball State University Hall of Fame quarterback, Dave served the Detroit Lions as chaplain for 33 years. Ann attended the University of Kentucky. She has been active alongside Dave in ministry as a speaker, writer, small-group leader, and mentor to countless wives of professional athletes. The Wilsons live in the Detroit area. They have three grown sons, CJ, Austin, and Cody, three daughters-in-law, and a growing number of grandchildren.

Who do you know that’s different enough to make you better? Radio cohosts Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn talk about why they’re so much stronger together.

12 Things You Didn't Know About JesusAs believers, our eternal hope rests in Jesus Christ conquering the grave and rising from the dead. But is this a blind leap of faith, or is there compelling evidence proving that Christ’s resurrection is a historical reality?

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Stronger Together: Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn

With Brant Hansen, Sherri Lynn
April 13, 2023
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Dave: So, one of the hardest things in my life is hosting a radio show with my wife over here.

Ann: What!?

Brant: What?

Ann: What are you talking about?

Dave: No, I think it’s awesome, but I’m just saying, it’s interesting. I never know what you’re going to say. You never know what I’m going to say. [Laughter]

Ann: But it’s the hardest?

Dave: It isn’t hard at all. It’s wonderful, but sometimes, it’s like—

Ann: [Laughing] He just went from one to the other!

Dave: Well, I wouldn’t say hard, but yet, here we are. This is what happens right now!

Shelby: Welcome to FamilyLife Today, where we want to help you pursue the relationships that matter most. I’m Shelby Abbott, and your hosts are Dave and Ann Wilson. You can find us at or on the FamilyLife® app. This is FamilyLife Today.

Dave: We’ve got two people in our studio who do this every day. They host a radio show. Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn are here together. And I’m guessing that you guys have to juggle stuff as well, but first of all, let me say, Sheri’s never been here.

Sherri: I haven’t.

Dave: Welcome to FamilyLife Today.


Sherri: Thank you so much for having me. I’ve had a ball so far!

Ann: And Sherri, you’re the producer of the show.

Sherri: I am, I am. So, I put everything together, such that it is and produce the podcast and everything.

Brant: Yes, and I prep the show. It’s called The Brant Hansen Show, and there’s a reason for that. We could call it Brant and Sherri, but we like calling it The Brant Hansen Show, because—

Ann: Yes, why is that, Brant?

Dave: Because you’re pretty selfish, and you like to star.

Sherri: No, no.

Brant: No, that’s not how it works. They call it The Andy Griffith Show, and we know who the star was, right?

Dave: Yes, right.

Sherri: Are you calling me Barney? [Laughter] Because that’s an interesting way to turn this conversation. Okay, that fits fine.

Brant: If I am, I’m sorry.

Sherri: Alright.

Brant: It was an analogy.

Sherri: Barney Lynn, everyone.

Brant: Yes. [Laughter] I like the fact that I’m doing the prep, and I’m an odd guy, right? So, she has to respond in real-time to what I’ve brought to the table. So, it’s like The Muppet Show kind of thing, where mostly, you see through the show.

Sherri: Yes.

Dave: Yes, yes.

Brant: They’re trying things out onstage that are failing, but you see it behind the scenes. I like that vibe where this guy, trying to do a show, and his producer’s trying to help him.

Sherri: He explained that to me when we first met, during the interview, and he said, “Muppet Show,” and I said, “Oh, like Scooter.” Scooter’s the one with the headset and the clipboard. And he was like, “Exactly!” And I think that’s when we were like, “Okay, this show’s going to work!”

Ann: You get it.

Brant: She understands me! [Laughter] So, yes, that’s a huge part of it.

Dave: Now, how did you two end up together? How did this come together?

Brant: I wanted to be a news guy originally, but it just kind of mutated into hosting a show. She applied for a position to help me, so we Skyped. She had never left Pittsburgh.

Sherri: No.

Brant: She’s from there. When we Skyped, my boss was with me, and Sherri and I hit it off. We just started laughing about stuff. I had never talked to her before, but it was just an instant, “Wait, I get this.” We have very similar background, even though she’s black, I’m white; she’s single, I’m married, you know? Very similar church—in an analogous way—similar experiences; similar stuff.

Sherri: We both have a brother.

Brant: We both have a brother.

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: We both developed these kinds of strange senses of humor.

Ann: Sherri, what is your background? Fill us in.

Sherri: I started out when I went to college, wanting to do film; and then, somebody let me in a radio station on the college campus, and I was sold. That’s all I wanted to do. Nothing else! I make things. I like to make things, so I would make dramas. I would do different voices. I’d bring different people in and let them do voices; put this big, dramatic thing together. So, I love that! That’s why producing is really up my alley.

Dave: It sounds like you were producing then.

Sherri: Oh, my goodness! I love it!

Ann: And you’re creative, it sounds like.

Sherri: I love, love, love, love, love making things. I love making things!

Dave: Now, when you came to The Brant Hansen Show, were you just going to produce and not be on air, or was it always a little of both?

Sherri: No. I tell the story where, they explained to me that this was not an on-air position. They kept saying that, and I was like, “Okay, that’s fine,” because I had been through so much in my career—not great stuff—that I prayed to God, “If you just put me with somebody humble and smart, then I’ll serve.” And I did not go there thinking I was going to be on the air, but he always thought; he tells me, he always thought.

Brant: Oh, totally!

Ann: You had that in your mind at the beginning, Brant?

Brant: Absolutely! I wanted to be a sidekick. I never wanted to be a host. So, having another person on air, to me, is a huge help!

Sherri: And he reminded me so much (and still does) of my brother, which is a real dry sense of humor. It’s very funny to me. So, sometimes, I’ll jump the gun and laugh because I know where we’re going. It’s so dry, and I just know the sense of humor so well, that we just mesh together.

Brant: Yes.

Dave: One of the things I love about your show is your laugh.

Sherri: Thank you!

Dave: It’s joy-giving.

Sherri: Thank you.

Brant: So, we’re glad you think that, and it is joy-giving. Some people, at first, are like, “What is happening?” They’re listening, and they’re like, “I hate you guys!” [Laughter] That’s their response.

Sherri: That’s so right! [Laughter]

Brant: “I hate, hate, hate you.” Yesterday—we get these all the time: “I hated you guys at first.”

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: “But now—”

Sherri: “You’ve worn on me.”

Brant: Yes, like, “Now I love you, but boy, did I hate you!”

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: That always still stings a little bit. “You hated me?”

Dave: I bet!

Brant: But I understand, because we don’t sound like typical radio people. I’m on the spectrum. I’ve been diagnosed with high-functioning autism. I do sound different on the air, and my choice of topics is like, “Wow! That was deeper than we expected!”

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: Or “kind of blunt.”

Sherri: Yes, or it’s like, now we’re blowing up a planet!

Brant: Right.

Sherri: How did we go from there to that?

Brant: This random sense of humor that’s so far-out, sci-fi. I know I sound different. She comes in with this boisterous laugh. She’s got totally different sensibilities than me, you know, when it comes to like just background and her family and my family. So, it’s really exciting how it meshes, but at first, it’s really bracing to people.

Sherri: And it was bracing to me when people would say (when we started), “Oh, I love your laugh!” Or “I hate your laugh.” I had never considered my laugh ever.


Ann: Really?

Sherri: Because my whole family laughs like this, I never once thought that there was anything unique or different about it. It’s just the way I laugh. One time, we went to his house. I think it was the first time my family visited me in California.

Ann: And your family’s close?

Sherri: We are very close, and we’re—

Brant: Loud!

Sherri: —very loud; very, very loud. So, I said to him, “Look, I’m bringing some energy to your house. It’s going to be different than what you’re used to.” He was like, “No, it’s okay.” So, they just, from the door, literally, “Aaaaahh!” They had never met him! “Aaaaaahh! Aaaahhh!”

Brant: Yes.

Sherri: And he said that the next day, his neighbor said that they were having a party, and he never heard them.

Brant: There were young people having a party, and they said, “We had to shut the windows because of whatever was going on over at your house!” [Laughter]

Dave: Really?

Brant: It was just her family being joyful. They were just being joyous.

Ann: I want to hang out with your family!

Brant: I know, it’s totally fun!

Sherri: They are fun to hang out with.

Dave: Well, how about the white man/black woman thing? How’s that work? That is a beautiful thing.

Brant: It’s a great thing. It’s helped me immensely. Whenever you have relationships with people, whatever their sensibilities are, you start to say, “Oh.” So, that’s been really helpful.

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: And I think it’s been instructive, too. You can, obviously, address this from your angle; probably way more interesting; but for me, it’s so nice to just have a shared project that’s a Kingdom thing. Because it’s one thing to say, “Let’s get together and talk about race. Let’s have some black people and some white people—”

Sherri: Yes, “let’s come to a table that’s round.”

Brant: “Let’s dialogue.”

Sherri: It’s always a round table, yes. [Laughter]

Brant: Right, right.

Sherri: Maybe if y’all start talking at square tables, we can get something together! [Laughter] But it’s a round table.

Brant: “Let’s just dialogue.” And I guess that’s okay, but it’s like, “No, let’s do stuff together.”

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: Shoulder-to-shoulder. I’m sure you experienced this with athletics.

Dave: Yes.

Brant: There’s something bonding about, “Our coach just yelled at all of us.”

Dave: Yes.

Brant: Or “we’ve got this common thing that we’re working on together.” Then, in the process, you work through stuff, but you’re on each other’s side.

Sherri: Yes.

Dave: Right.

Brant: So, it’s this shoulder-to-shoulder thing. For us, it’s the daily having to work—so, it’s not even—I don’t know. You should talk about it, too.

Sherri: Well, no; it’s something that you talked about in your book, where knowledge doesn’t change people’s hearts. Relationship does.

Ann: Yes.

Sherri: So, I lived as a lot of African Americans do. I always say, we parachute into the majority (quote/unquote) world. So, we live in our community, then we parachute in and we work, and we go back to our community, right? But we think we know—I’ll say “me.” I think I know more than I actually do, because I didn’t have any actual friends that were white, if I can be honest.

Ann: Yes.

Sherri: I learned a lot of stuff in history and all of that, and then you think you know, right? Because I read this book, and this book is the majority about white people; so, I’m like, “Okay, yes; I know now.” But then, when the relationship comes, that’s different. So then, when people start to say things, it’s like, “Wait a minute! You’re talking about my brother.” You know what I mean? That’s different now!

We’re like, “Don’t they all---?” And I’m like, “Wait! No, my brother doesn’t do that. My brother doesn’t say that. My brother doesn’t think that.” But that comes from relationship, and it comes from us—sometimes, we have not done a show.

Brant: Yes.

Sherri: Into the studio, and something’s going on in the world, or something has blown up racially. We’ll put that material on, and we have to talk it through.

Brant: We argue for two hours—[Laughter]—and then say, “You know what? Tomorrow’s going to be a ‘best of.”” [Laughter]

Sherri: We don’t have the energy to do the show. But man, I wish I could give that to people!

Brant: Yes.

Ann: Well, you trust each other enough to be able to have that dialogue.

Sherri: Yes!

Brant: Right. That’s just it! You have to be engaged in a mission together. If we just got together every week, even if it had been over ten years, and said, “Let’s talk about race issues.”

Dave: Yes.

Brant: That’s doomed!

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: But we’re working together, as part of one body, to be a blessing to people.

Ann: And Brant, you’re not only working together. One of the things that you said over lunch, Sherri, was that your family is super-close.

Sherri: We are.

Ann: So, you left them, and now you’re living in Florida. At the time, no family members were there. But you said something; you said, “Brant’s family has become my family.”

Sherri: Yes. They were my family. That’s all I had. When I left Pittsburgh, I took the job, and I’m not married; I don’t have kids. It’s just me. So, I would go over to their house sometimes. I would pop in. My family is a pop-in family! [Laughter] [Motion noises] just in, and we’re there ‘til we feel like we want to leave, right?

I didn’t do that, but I would pop in. They were so gracious and wonderful!

Ann: So, he’s more than a co-worker.

Sherri: Oh, absolutely! That’s my brother.

Dave: Well, you just called him your brother.

Brant: Yes.

Sherri: He’s my brother. My mother calls him her son. My mother was in the hospital, and she knew Brant was going to be on Good Morning, America. She told every single person on that floor—every nurse’s aide, every nurse, every doctor that came in: “My son is going to be on Good Morning, America. If y’all want to watch it, y’all can come in the room with me, and we’re going to watch it together.”

So, it never dawned on me that a white man’s face was going to pop up there. [Laughter] And this very African American woman is sitting there in this bed. [Laughter]

Brant: The anchor was black.

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: He was interviewing me.

Sherri: Right, so they were like, “Is that your son?”

Brant: “Which one?”

Ann: “Which one’s your son?!”

Sherri: They were like—and then, they put his face up, and she was like, “There he is!” [Laughter] They were like, “Did you adopt him?” So, my mother thinks very much of him as her son, and sometimes, I’ll go to work, and she’ll be riding with me, because she wants to drive somewhere else. She’ll say, “Tell my son to come down and give me a hug.” And he’ll come down and give her a hug.

Brant: Oh, yes!

Ann: I want to be in your family!

Brant: It’s the sweetest thing!

Sherri: Again, I wish I could give this to people.

Ann: Yes.

Sherri: Because this is the actual work. The relationship is the actual work. It is! And if you can get to that, in a place where we both say, “Jesus is Lord,” and Calvary is the central thing for both of us

Brant: Right.

Sherri: Not anything else! Not identity, not politics, not all of that stuff!

Ann: Yes.

Sherri: Calvary is the central thing for both of us, and we’re working in mission together, it is the sweetest thing.

Brant: The way we talk about it, too, is—and we would hope that the entire body of Christ would talk about it would be—Calvary is the last word. People talk about, “Yes, Calvary, but ‘this issue.’ Yes, Calvary, but ‘this other thing.’ Calvary, but we need to discuss something.” No, no, no. It’s ‘that issue,’ but Calvary!

Sherri: That’s it.

Brant: Yes, that’s a real issue we should talk about, but Calvary happened. That has to matter. If that’s the basis, we’ve got hope.

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: Because it’s like, yes, maybe my side’s messed up, your side’s messed up; maybe I said this wrong, or you said that wrong. Yes, okay. Maybe I need to pay more attention to this, or you need to pay more attention. Right, but Calvary happened.

Sherri: And that’s how we stay together.

Brant: Right.

Sherri: That’s how we stay connected, right? So, I never have to pretend like something isn’t happening. I never have to pretend like something didn’t hurt or something I saw doesn’t sting. Like, “Man, how do I get past that?” That’s why we can go in the studio, that’s why we can talk about it: because of Calvary. I don’t have to act like it didn’t happen. Yes, it did, and yes, it does hurt; but what glues us together—it’s supposed to be for the body of Christ! What glues us together—is, I mean, I don’t even know if it’s popular to say anymore, but the blood of Jesus, right?!

Ann: Yes.

Brant: You know, it’s interesting, too, because your heart does tend, toward people you have a relationship with, to defend them, for instance. “That’s my friend you’re talking about.”

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: So, an interesting dynamic about that is, we talk—we’re on mostly a lot of stations with mostly white people listening, because we’re playing CCM Nashville music on these stations. But now, they know Sherri; the listeners. So, even if they’re in an all-white type of situation, and they’ve got no relationships, we hear from people like this. They’re like, before, they had these knee-jerk reactions to certain things; but now, they’re inclined—

Ann: They have a relationship with Sherri!

Brant: Right! So, if they hear Sherri say something, they’re like, “That’s my friend. I have to listen to that.” It’s really interesting. It’s a sweet dynamic that can happen, I think, because radio is so relational.

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: People now—it is a friendship. We’re being honest on the air and vulnerable, so people do feel like it’s a friendship, but they grant Sherri that space, if she says something they wouldn’t have agreed with before, now it’s like, “But that’s Sherri! She’s got a point.”

Dave: In some ways, you’re going to represent. Just like you’re going to represent white, your voice is going to represent, “Well, that’s sort of how white people think.”

Sherri: Yes.

Dave: That’s not true, but you’re going to represent, “That’s how a person of color thinks. I can validate that, because I like her, and she represents—”

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: Right; if they don’t know anybody, then there’s no person in their life. They just have what was just fed to them on the news or, you know, the worst behavior of the worst people in the world, you know?

Dave: Right.

Brant: It’s like, “Good grief!”

Sherri: Which is what everybody has, regardless of race. We’re segregated now.

Ann: Yes.

Sherri: As far as isolation.

Dave: Yes.

Sherri: We don’t have those friendships; we don’t have those relationships. So, you know, we always talk about a gracious place to fall. Like, you say something, and you’re like, “Whoa! That didn’t come out right!” I remember—I tell the story of—how I made a social media post about some black film or something. I thought it was just rip-roaring hilarious, guys. It was just, to me, the funniest thing ever.

And everybody—family, friends—was just like, “Go ahead, girl!” And he screenshot it, and he sent it to me, and he said, “This makes me sad.” And then, as soon as I saw it, I read it like he would have read it, and I was like, “Oooh!”

Dave: Yes.

Sherri: “I am so sorry!” Now, I can dig in my heels, and be like, “Get off your high horse! I can do that if I want to!” [Laughter] Right? We can do that; but that’s my brother! And I saw what he saw. Because, a lot of times, we’re posting things, we’re doing things, to our little corner of the world.

Ann: Yes.

Sherri: Our little group of people, right? But when you expand that net, then you start thinking, “Ooh!” And then, if you don’t think, you have that relationship where someone’s like, “Here’s how I see that.” And then, I’m like, “You know what, that’s legit.” And just take it down. Why? “I’m sorry. That was wrong. I’m sorry.”

Dave: Yes. I was preaching years ago, and I made a comment in a sermon; something along the lines of another religious belief, and I said, “Do these people actually believe that?” and then I went on. A guy came up. This was actually back in the day when we did skits.

Sherri: Yes.

Dave: In youth group; remember?

Sherri: Yes, yes.

Dave: We would do them live sometimes. He was an actor, and very good; he comes up to me in the green room, and he says, “Hey, can I say something to you?” “Sure, man! What’s up, man? We’re brothers!” He goes, “That was really offensive, what you said about, ‘Some people! Can you believe they would believe that? They’re idiots.” I said, “Well, yes, can you believe people believe that?” He said, “My mom believes that, and I’m thinking of bringing her next week.”

Sherri: Wow.

Dave: “She’ll never come to this church. Do you understand how offensive that is?”

Sherri: Wow.

Dave: I was like, “You are a thousand percent right!” I can hear him right now. It’s like, “Thank you for pointing that out.” But that’s what you guys are doing for each other.

Sherri: See? But those relationships!

Brant: Yes.

Sherri: Yes, you have a gracious place to fall. Man, I fell there! Then just get the—I always tell him, “I let him fall, and then when he gets up, I punch him in the mouth, then he falls again.” [Laughter] Then he gets up—

Brant: But it’s a gracious place to fall. [Laughter]

I had a guy who was older than me. He heard me say something on the air. Immediately after this morning show was on, where I was trying to be funny—I can’t remember what I said. He calls me, and he was like, “Don’t ever let me hear you say something like that again. That was disappointing. You made fun of people. They didn’t deserve that.”

Ann: And Brant, you’re live, right?

Brant: Yes.

Ann: Whoo!

Brant: So, he’s calling me after the show.

Ann: Right, I know.

Brant: So, yes, yes.

Ann: But it would be hard!

Brant: Yes; it had gone out there. He said, “Hansen, you’re better than that. I love you, bye.” I got off the phone, and the weirdest thing happened: honestly, I know this guy loves me.

Ann: Yes.

Brant: We had a relationship.

Dave: Yes.

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: And when you are in a relationship with people, you can actually have that. You can sort through this stuff together.

Sherri: Yes.

Dave: Right. One of the reasons Brant—I didn’t know you the first time we brought you in, and we were talking about the men we need.

Brant: Yes.

Dave: You wrote—

Ann: Sherri wrote—

Dave: Was it the forward?

Brant: The forward.

Sherri: Yes.

Dave: Sherri, you wrote a forward endorsement.

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: She told me to write the book!

Sherri: I did.

Dave: I remember reading that and going, “Okay, he’s the real deal,” because of what you said.

Sherri: That’s sweet.

Dave: You basically said—do you remember?

Sherri: I remember saying that I told him to write the book, because I saw men responding to him. I knew that I grew up with my own issues with my father, who was very abusive and you know, went through a lot. I said, “If this weren’t the real deal—”

Dave: Right.

Sherri: “I wouldn’t be working with him.”

Dave: Right, yes.

Sherri: “And if he dared write a book—” [Laughter]

Brant: Right, right.

Sherri: “I would burn that whole studio to the ground!” [Laughter] I’m not just leaving; I’m making sure he can’t do anything.

Dave: I specifically remember you saying, “I’ve been in his home.”

Sherri: Yes.

Dave: “What he writes here, he lives.” I’m like, “Done! Let’s go.”

Sherri: Yes, and that I saw his daughter and his wife were safe.

Dave: Yes.

Sherri: And that I never knew that growing up.

Dave: Yes.

Sherri: So, I remember—because I always felt from my own point of view and my own background, that the measure of a man when I saw him, was how his daughter looked at him.

Ann; Oh.

Sherri: So, if she looked at him, and she had even an ounce of fear, I felt we should all be afraid, right? But if she looked at him, and I saw safety in her eyes, then I knew he was trustworthy. So, the minute I walked in his house, and I saw Julia look at him, I was like, “Alright! Well, we’re okay.”

Dave: Wow.

Sherri: And that was probably like—what?—the first few days of working with you.

Ann: Has there been some healing in you as you’ve watched him with his kids?

Sherri: I think there’s been healing with him and, if I’m honest, there’s been so much healing watching my actual brother with his girls.

Ann: Oh.

Sherri: And knowing how we grew up.

Ann: He’s a good dad?

Sherri: It’s hard to put into words.

Brant: Five stars!

Sherri: Yes.

Ann: Really?

Brant: Unbelievable!

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: I admire her brother as well, because when you’re both from this background where you’re afraid when your dad comes home, or you hope he doesn’t, like, “I hope—I just need some peace.” Like when you see that car pull up, it’s like, “Ugh.”

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: You live out the opposite of that as a guy who’s like, “This is not going to happen in my home.” So, being able to come home, and your kids be like, “Daddy!” They’re excited. They’re like, “What’s the next joke going to be? What’s the next fun thing?!” [Laughter] Like I told you guys, they’ll listen to our podcast. My kids will listen to the podcast. But her brother is the exact opposite of what they had gone through.

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: Complete respect!

Sherri: Yes.

Brant: And his daughters feel totally safe with him, so, yes, it’s very amazing to watch.

Sherri: Yes. I saw my little niece; she’s so delightful. I told my brother, “If I’d have had you as a dad, I could have been delightful.” [Laughter] I missed that whole thing!

Brant: To think what might have been!

Sherri: I might have missed the big picture there.

Brant: So close!

Ann: I think you’re pretty delightful.

Sherri: Oh, well.

Ann: Well, we haven’t even talked about what we were going to talk about yet!

Dave: We’re going to do that tomorrow.

Shelby: Hi, I’m Shelby Abbott, and you’ve listening to Dave and Ann Wilson with Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn on FamilyLife Today. I love what they’ve been talking about, turning around our legacies at home. You know, Dave and Brant are going to share some more stuff about getting on mission together, going shoulder-to-shoulder in your marriage.

But first, I wanted to reiterate that Brant and Sherri have a podcast called The Oddcast. Together, it’s a daily radio show and podcast. It’s actually syndicated across the country with segments ranging from the latest animal news to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be. It’s a great show that’s honoring to God. We encourage you guys to check that out.

In addition, Brant has written a book called The Truth about Us: The Very Good News about How Very Bad We Are. Well, we believe in this very much. When you give online at, we’re going to send you a copy as our “thanks.” Again, you can go online to, or you can give us a call with your donation at 800-358-6329. Now, that can be a one-time gift or a recurring monthly gift. We’ll send you a copy of Brant’s book. Again, the number is 800-F as in “family,” L as in “life,” and then the word, “TODAY.”

Alright, here are Dave Wilson and Brant Hansen:

Dave: Something hit me about—you know, we’re a marriage and family show—when you talked about how the diversity works for you—white, black, together—you said, “It’s not because we’re talking about race. It’s because we’re doing something together.”

Ann: Yes!

Dave: I thought in marriage, we do the same thing. It’s like, “I want to change him, so I’m going to focus on changing him. I’m going to change him.” Get on mission together as a married couple! Get your focus outward on extending the Kingdom of God! By the way, that’s God’s mission for your marriage anyway. You’ll love each other, because you’ll be doing something together. Rather than trying to focus on this, focus on something bigger than this. Am I right?

Brant: Yes.

Dave: It’s somehow just hit me when I watch what you’re doing.

Brant: It is true. Friendships, church stuff, too.

Ann: Yes.

Brant: If it’s just about getting together and talking over and over and over, okay; but there’s nothing like being shoulder-to-shoulder out actually doing something together; engaged in a mission.

Ann: Yes.

Brant: That’s co-mission. That’s great!

Ann: Yes.

Shelby: Now, tomorrow, Dave and Ann Wilson will be back again with Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn to talk about how they started their radio show and podcast, and how it’s sponsored by a company called Cure.

Cure [] is an organization that works in countries that lack the kind of resources to help children who have injuries that are often untreated, and it leaves those kids vulnerable, in pain, and kind of on the fringes of society. Cure provides life-changing surgeries and demonstrates the love of Jesus to children with disabilities through eight hospitals around the world. So, they’re going to talk about that tomorrow. You won’t want to miss it.

On behalf of Dave and Ann Wilson, I’m Shelby Abbott. We’ll see you back next time for another edition of FamilyLife Today.

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Helping you pursue the relationships that matter most.


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