Laney Frederick

My name is Laney Frederick and I am a senior at the University of Delaware studying Elementary Education and English as a Second Language. I am student teaching this semester in a 3rd-grade classroom before graduating in December. On campus, I am involved with a Christian ministry group called Cru, and this year I have the pleasure of leading our freshman women in a bible study. With Cru, I have also been able to go on some pretty incredible mission trips over two summers, one to Ocean City Maryland, and one to North Africa. Between teaching and leading with Cru, you will find me reading a book, playing pickleball with friends, and spending time with my family. And of course, spending time growing my relationship with the Lord.

Episodes appearing in

Do you have what it takes to share the gospel overseas? Join Lainey, a college senior, as she conquers mission trip anxiety through faith! View Show Notes →