God’s Plan for Marriage – FamilyLife® https://www.familylife.com Family and Marriage, Help and Hope for Marriages and Families Fri, 06 Oct 2023 17:02:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.familylife.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/51/2018/09/Favicon-Icon_32x32.png God’s Plan for Marriage – FamilyLife® https://www.familylife.com 32 32 Your Wedding Dress: Modest or Sexy? Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/how-to-be-engaged-and-do-it-right-sean-perron-spencer-harmon/ Thu, 28 Sep 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=159387 Wondering how to be engaged and do it right? Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon offer biblical, practical wisdom on for a beautiful now and a forever future.]]>

When it comes to wedding planning and “The Dress,” what’s making it pop? (And is there a chance we’re getting things wrong?) Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon offer biblical, practical wisdom for a beautiful now and a forever future.

Men, regardless of how women are dressed, are called to cultivate purity in their hearts and in their minds. That is their responsibility before God to honor Him in the way that they’re thinking regardless of how people are dressed around them. That’s always their call. — Sean Perron
Show Notes and Resources

Check out more from Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon at unspokenblog.com
Learn how to share of your sexual history with a new romantic interest.
Learn more about Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon’s church First Baptist Jacksonville ..and discover their writings
If you’re interested in hearing more from Sean and Spencer, listen to their Unspoken Blogs podcast
Purchase Sean and Spencer’s books: Letters to a Romantic: On Dating,
 Letters to a Romantic: On Engagement, and Letters to a Romantic: First Years of Marriage
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Dating or Engaged–with Purpose: Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/dating-or-engaged-with-purpose-sean-perron-spencer-harmon/ Wed, 27 Sep 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=159097 Authors Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon point you in the right direction for dating, engagement, or marriage with purpose and depth.]]>

Want to do relationships differently? Authors Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon point you in the right direction for dating, engagement, or marriage with purpose and depth.

I did not realize how absent-minded I was until I got married, when there was another person counting on me. [Laughter] I remember one time I thought, “I’m going to help make the spaghetti.” This is in the first three months of marriage. I’m in there stirring the spaghetti, thinking “Look at me. I’m such a great husband!” Then my wife comes in after me. This still happens today. She looked up, and there was spaghetti sauce on the ceiling. — Spencer Harmon

Show Notes and Resources

Check out more from Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon at unspokenblog.com
Learn how to share of your sexual history with a new romantic interest.
Learn more about Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon’s church First Baptist Jacksonville ..and discover their writings
If you’re interested in hearing more from Sean and Spencer, listen to their Unspoken Blogs podcast 
Purchase Sean and Spencer’s books: Letters to a Romantic: On Dating, 
 Letters to a Romantic: On Engagement, and Letters to a Romantic: First Years of Marriage 
Find resources from this podcast at shop.familylife.com.
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Dating Done Right: Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/dating-done-right-sean-perron-spencer-harmon/ Tue, 26 Sep 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=158957 You're dating—but man, do things get sticky. Authors Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon help you approach marriage on purpose, and done right.]]>

You’re dating—but man, do things get sticky. Authors Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon help you approach marriage on purpose, and done right.
One of the things you have to think about with purity is, why are you doing it? Why? And if the motive is, “I am doing this so that my honeymoon will be amazing,” you will be disappointed. Because your category of amazing is probably not calibrated according to God’s Word. — Spencer Harmon
Show Notes and Resources

Check out more from Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon at unspokenblog.com
Learn how to share of your sexual history with a new romantic interest.
Learn more about Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon’s church First Baptist Jacksonville ..and discover their writings
If you’re interested in hearing more from Sean and Spencer, listen to their Unspoken Blogs podcast
Purchase Sean and Spencer’s books: Letters to a Romantic: On Dating,
Letters to a Romantic: On Engagement, and Letters to a Romantic: First Years of Marriage
Find resources from this podcast at shop.familylife.com.
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Your Negative Self Talk–and Your Marriage: Ted Lowe https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/your-negative-self-talk-and-your-marriage-ted-lowe/ Wed, 06 Sep 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=157696 Negative self-talk: you may not know how badly it's sabotaging your marriage. Author Ted Lowe gets real helps identify and confront the dark side within.]]>

Your negative self-talk: It’s sabotaging your marriage—and you may not know how deeply. Author Ted Lowe gets real about identifying and confronting the dark side within.

“I cannot tell you the number of times, standing on the sideline with the Detroit Lions at a NFL game over 33 seasons, that we get in the fourth quarter, it’s a close game, and I would have this thought: ‘Our team does not believe when the game’s on the line we have what it takes to win. That’s the difference between winners and losers, is you don’t believe it, and your self-prophecy comes true.’ And we don’t.

Again, I’m not saying that’s the only reason we lost so many games, but I remember in 1991 when we went almost—one game from the Super Bowl, you could feel the opposite. It was like, “We believe!” I really believe that teams that win believe it before they actually do it, and I think it applies to marriage. ”

— Dave Wilson
Show Notes and Resources

Connect with Ted Lowe at tedlowe.com
Revitalize your marriage: 50% off Weekend to Remember Getaways, Sep 4-18! Strengthen bonds, create lasting memories Learn more at weekendtoremember.com
Intrigued by today’s episode? Go deeper into how to care well for your spouse and their emotions with FamilyLife Today episode, When Anxiety Hits Your Marriage with Dr. Ed Welch
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Us In Mind: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Marriage: Ted Lowe https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/us-in-mind-change-your-thoughts-change-your-marriage-ted-lowe/ Tue, 05 Sep 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=157549 Could your thoughts be shaping your marriage in ways you've never imagined? Author Ted Lowe helps revolutionize your relationship…starting with your mind.]]>

Could the way you’re thinking about your spouse be shaping your marriage in ways you’ve never imagined? Author Ted Lowe helps revolutionize your marriage…starting with your mind.
The only common denominator in couples that reported the highest level of marital satisfaction—they were basically given a spousal report card and told, “Rank your spouse,” in categories like generosity, kindness, and loyalty; and the ones that were happiest were the ones who ranked their spouse highest in every category than their spouse had ranked themselves. So, I think it’s made up of, you know, “If you could only see you like I see you!” — Ted Lowe
Show Notes and Resources

Connect with Ted Lowe at tedlowe.com
Revitalize your marriage: 50% off Weekend to Remember Getaways, Sep 4-18! Strengthen bonds, create lasting memories Learn more at weekendtoremember.com
Intrigued by today’s episode? Go deeper into how to care well for your spouse and their emotions with FamilyLife Today episode, When Anxiety Hits Your Marriage with Dr. Ed Welch
Find resources from this podcast at shop.familylife.com.
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“What Should I Do When My Spouse Gets Emotional?” Ted Lowe https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/what-should-i-do-when-my-spouse-gets-emotional-ted-lowe/ Mon, 04 Sep 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=157537 Your spouse is emotional. What should you do? Author Ted Lowe knows your responses could change your marriage—and he's got ways to do it.]]>

Your spouse is emotional. What should you do? What should you say? What if you don’t agree? Author Ted Lowe knows changing how you think and respond in moments like this could change your marriage—and he’s got ways to do it.
I thought the empathy was just about being with someone during the tough stuff, but it’s also being there with them during the fun stuff. It’s, rejoice with those who rejoice and cry with those who cry. And one study said how you celebrate with your spouse is more predictive of a strong relationship than how you fight. — Ted Lowe
Show Notes and Resources

Connect with Ted Lowe at tedlowe.com
Revitalize your marriage: 50% off Weekend to Remember Getaways, Sep 4-18! Strengthen bonds, create lasting memories Learn more at weekendtoremember.com
Intrigued by today’s episode? Go deeper into how to care well for your spouse and their emotions with FamilyLife Today episode, When Anxiety Hits Your Marriage with Dr. Ed Welch
Find resources from this podcast at shop.familylife.com.
See resources from our past podcasts.
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The Marginless Marriage: Why Your Relationship Thrives with more Time https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/the-marginless-marriage-why-your-relationship-thrives-with-more-time/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=152659 Is lack of margin affecting your relationships? FamilyLife CEO David Robbins and his wife Meg chat about hurry's cost—and getting back what matters most.]]>

Is lack of margin affecting your relationships? FamilyLife CEO David Robbins and his wife Meg chat about hurry’s cost—and getting back what matters most.
Show Notes and Resources

Connect with David and Meg Robbins on Instagram @davidrobbinsfam, and catch all of their FamilyLife Today episodes here. 
Wish you’d heard this talk while getting away with your spouse for a little R & R? Catch FamilyLife’s Love Like You Mean It Marriage Cruise next February! 
Find resources from this podcast at shop.familylife.com.
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Forgiveness and Healing: Start Here: Dave & Ann Wilson https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/forgiveness-and-healing-start-here-dave-ann-wilson/ Thu, 22 Jun 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=152548 Maybe you're interested in forgiveness and healing. But where do you start? How do you overcome a consuming anger? Podcast hosts Dave & Ann Wilson offers ideas.]]>

Maybe you’re interested in forgiveness and healing. But where do you start? How do you overcome a consuming anger? Podcast hosts Dave & Ann Wilson offers ideas.
Show Notes and Resources

Connect with Dave and Ann Wilson at DaveAndAnnWilson.com, and on instagram @daveannwilson.
If you’re intrigued by this topic, don’t miss these FamilyLife Today episodes: How to Forgive (When Bitterness Feels Better)
 and How to Forgive Your Dad
Wish you’d heard this talk while getting away with your spouse for a little R & R? Catch FamilyLife’s Love Like You Mean It Marriage Cruise next February!
Find resources from this podcast at shop.familylife.com.
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Check out all the FamilyLife podcasts on the FamilyLife Podcast Network

Anger, Pain, and the Choice to Forgive: Dave & Ann Wilson https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/anger-pain-and-the-choice-to-forgive-dave-ann-wilson/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=152515 Podcast host Dave Wilson directed decades of anger toward the same person. He shares his path from bitterness to the life-altering choice to forgive.]]>

Podcast host Dave Wilson directed decades of anger toward the same person. He shares his path from bitterness to the life-altering choice to forgive.

Show Notes and Resources

Connect with Dave and Ann Wilson at DaveAndAnnWilson.com, and on instagram @daveannwilson.
If you’re intrigued by this topic, don’t miss these FamilyLife Today episodes: How to Forgive (When Bitterness Feels Better)
 and How to Forgive Your Dad
Wish you’d heard this talk while getting away with your spouse for a little R & R? Catch FamilyLife’s Love Like You Mean It Marriage Cruise next February!
Find resources from this podcast at shop.familylife.com.
Find more content and resources on the FamilyLife’s app!
Help others find FamilyLife. Leave a review on Apple Podcast or Spotify.
Check out all the FamilyLife podcasts on the FamilyLife Podcast Network

More than Happily Ever After: J.P. Pokluda https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/more-than-happily-ever-after-j-p-pokluda/ Tue, 20 Jun 2023 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.familylife.com/?post_type=wpfc_sermon&p=152495 If your marriage is going for happily ever after…it might fall on its face. Author J.P. Pokluda casts God's far-better vision for what your marriage can be.]]>

If your marriage is going for happily ever after…it might fall on its face. Author J.P. Pokluda casts God’s far-better vision for what your marriage can be—and why it’s worth changing everything about how you relate.

Show Notes and Resources

Connect with J.P. Pokluda at jonathanpokluda.com, or on instagram @jpokluda.
Wish you’d heard this talk while getting away with your spouse for a little R & R? Catch FamilyLife’s Love Like You Mean It Marriage Cruise next February! 
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