Brant Hansen

Brant Hansen uses his media platforms to advocate for the healing work of CURE, a global network of surgical hospitals for children with disabilities in developing nations. He’s a syndicated radio host and the author of Unoffendable, Blessed Are the Misfits, and The Truth about Us. In addition to speaking on the subject of The Men We Need, he frequently speaks at churches, conferences, and corporations on the topics of forgiveness, faith and the autism spectrum, and the kingdom of God.

Brant is also a musician and occasional stand-up comedian. He and his wife, Carolyn, live in South Florida.

Episodes appearing in

Lost in the crowd? Brant Hanson discusses Taylor Swift, church alienation, doubts, and embracing misfit Christians. Join us for open conversations on church diversity and introverts. View Show Notes →
In a dark place? Brant Hanson shares insights from his spiritual journey. For those struggling to be social, confident, or happy, this podcast is for you. View Show Notes →
Ever felt like you don't fit into American church culture? Join Hansen as he explores modern Christianity, the beauty of being different, and the astonishing goodness of God. View Show Notes →
Struggle to say no? Accepting limitations? Insights from David & Meg Robbins, Shelby Abbott, Brant Hansen, Jeremiah Johnston, Lysa TerKeurst, Heather Holleman as they learn to navigate life's chaos. View Show Notes →
How can we overcome loneliness? Brant Hansen shares how to find peace in Jesus in this disconnnected world. Tune in to learn about the importance of community! View Show Notes →
Explore true manhood: beyond the physical, embrace family roles like security, nurturing, service, and even the thrill of fantasy football drafting. View Show Notes →
Love someone with autism? Autistic radio host Brant Hansen offers real-life pointers for parents and spouses of those on the spectrum. View Show Notes →
Radio host Brant Hansen gets real about challenges of life on the spectrum—as well as practical ways to embrace anyone living with autism. View Show Notes →
Real Life Loading… recaps a killer first year with its best-of highlight reel. View Show Notes →
Radio cohosts Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn talk about their passion of advocating for children with treatable disabilities through CURE International. View Show Notes →
Who do you know that's different enough to make you better? Radio cohosts Brant Hansen and Sherri Lynn talk about why they're so much stronger together. View Show Notes →
92% of us think we're morally superior to others. Author Brant Hansen explores how extensively we whitewash our motivations -- to our profound destruction. View Show Notes →
What if your self-righteousness is cannibalizing your life? National radio host Brant Hansen explains the multifaceted freedom of admitting how bad we are. View Show Notes →
What if you admitted you weren't a good person? Author Brant Hansen examines what happens when we fight self-righteousness—and embrace the truth about us. View Show Notes →
It's hard not to be judgy. Brant Hansen, autistic and author of the book Unoffendable, spills the tea on social skills, arrogance, and anger. View Show Notes →
On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson host author and radio host Brant Hansen, who knows the taste of dirt in your teeth when you've tried to do what's right as a man. He also knows how to keep showing up. View Show Notes →
As a guy, what's it look like to show up? On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson host author and radio host Brant Hansen, who calls men to be ambitious about the right stuff and gives ideas to do just that. View Show Notes →
When's a boy become a man? On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson host author and radio host Brant Hansen, who weighs in on toxic masculinity, lies about manhood, and the kind of men we need. View Show Notes →
Could giving up your right to stay angry change your life? Author and TED Talk speaker Brant Hansen explores why and how to become unoffendable. View Show Notes →
How would your life change if you were unoffendable? Author Brant Hansen discusses the anger fueling our culture & practical ways to live with less stress. View Show Notes →