Abe Sitota

Abe is a senior at George Mason University pursuing a bachelor of arts in economics. While at Mason, he had the opportunity to plug into the Cru community where he grew in his relationship with Christ. Abe served as a student leader for Mason Cru this past year and was able to help provide a loving community for new students just as he experienced. Also, Abe went on a summer mission this year through Cru and was able to experience God's active plan to reach people who need the hope of the gospel. Some of Abe's hobbies include video games, personal fitness, anime/manga, and spending time with friends. After college, Abe is planning to intern with Cru for a year to pursue the calling God has placed in his life.

Episodes appearing in

Ever wonder if social media is messing with our heads? Abe Sitota talks about the impacts social media could have on your life. View Show Notes →