Uncategorized Archives - All About Mannatech https://allaboutmannatech.com/category/uncategorized/ Latest Mannatech News and Updates Thu, 01 Jun 2023 18:37:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 Latest Mannatech News and Updates Mannatech false episodic Mannatech uswebsites@mannatech.com podcast Latest Mannatech News and Updates Uncategorized Archives - All About Mannatech https://allaboutmannatech.com/wp-content/uploads/powerpress/itunes-podcasts-mlogo.jpg https://allaboutmannatech.com/category/uncategorized/ TV-G It’s time to trust your gut – Good Science. Good Sense. https://allaboutmannatech.com/its-time-to-trust-your-gut-good-science-good-sense/ Sat, 01 Apr 2023 14:06:06 +0000 https://allaboutmannatech.com/?p=35016 It's time to trust your gut! Your body is amazing. It works around the clock to give you the energy you need to fill all the important roles in your life.]]>

Your body is amazing.

It works around the clock to give you the energy you need to fill all the important roles in your life.

One of the hidden keys to unlocking your body’s ability to maintain health is your microbiome, an incredible network of trillions of microorganisms that aid digestion, helps protect against toxins, support your immune system, and foster cell-to-cell communication that stretches all the way from your gut to your brain.

What makes your microbiome so special?

  1. Your microbiome is as unique as your fingerprint. It starts to form before birth and is different even from others in your family.
  2. 70% of your immune system lives in your intestinal tract as part of your microbiome.
  3. Your microbiome changes over time. Your age, environment and diet all have an impact.
  4. Microbes thrive with a diet that is high in fiber, whole grains and plant-based foods.
  5. Your microbiome helps you digest food and may influence how much you weigh.


Mannatech GI-Biome System


Nourish your gut

Your gut does a lot of heavy lifting to keep your body working smoothly on your wellness journey. Mannatech’s GI-Biome System™ works to nourish this important system.*

It includes three carefully selected products packed with natural goodness: GI-ProBalance® slimsticks, GI-Zyme® capsules and GI-Defense® capsules. Together, they are a great addition to your wellness routine that can help improve your digestive health and support a healthier microbiome.*




Mannatech GI-Defense


Your microbiome’s first line of support

In this fast-paced world, you ask a lot of your body. Meals on the go, lack of exercise or too little sleep are just some of the challenges that may affect your microbiome and your overall health journey.

GI-Defense works with your body’s natural ability to help strengthen your intestinal wall.* When that lining is healthy, it controls what enters your bloodstream so that water and beneficial nutrients get in while harmful substances stay out.

Think of it as the protection for the delicate ecosystem where your microbes carry out their most important tasks, so your gut and brain can perform at optimal levels.*





Mannatech GI-ProBalance


Keeping everything in balance

Your immune system, mood, and digestion all can feel the effects when your microbiome isn’t at its optimal state. And that can make it challenging to look and feel your best.

Nourishing your gut with probiotics and prebiotic fibers is a great way to maintain that balance and help improve your overall health.* That’s where GI-ProBalance comes in.

As part of Mannatech’s GI-Biome System, GI-ProBalance slimsticks support a natural balance of good bacteria to maintain healthy digestion and a healthy gut-brain axis.*





Mannatech GI-Zyme

Digestion that feels good

Preparing a healthy, nourishing meal is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family. Yet, sometimes even normal eating can leave your stomach feeling a little uncomfortable.

Digestion is a complex process. The right digestive enzymes help your body break down the food you eat smoothly and effectively, supporting you in feeling good and ensuring your body absorbs the nutrients you need.*



M5M Foundation

Get the Zzzs You Need – Good Science. Good Sense https://allaboutmannatech.com/good-science-good-sense/ Wed, 01 Feb 2023 14:36:54 +0000 https://allaboutmannatech.com/?p=34841 Fight or Flight?  Stress Response In The Modern World  Today’s fast-paced world is packed with stressors. A near miss at...]]> ]]> September Mannatech Leadership Call Date Change https://allaboutmannatech.com/september-mannatech-leadership-call-date-change/ Fri, 13 Sep 2019 20:30:48 +0000 https://allaboutmannatech.com/?p=26788 Our regularly scheduled Mannatech Leadership Call slated for Tuesday, September 17 has been moved to Thursday, September 19 at 2:00...]]>

Our regularly scheduled Mannatech Leadership Call slated for Tuesday, September 17 has been moved to Thursday, September 19 at 2:00 PM Central. We will be providing first-hand news and updates from the Corporate Management Team, so please mark your calendar!

Here is the Zoom information to join:


Or Telephone:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923

Webinar ID: 336 140 487

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=4rFQKy95H5eB-kRecRm5VhFFx-sQcGIi

$10,000 Cash! Valerie Furrow Wins the TruHealth™ Transformation Challenge Grand Prize! (中文 / Español) https://allaboutmannatech.com/10000-cash-valerie-furrow-wins-the-truhealth-transformation-challenge-grand-prize-%e4%b8%ad%e6%96%87-espanol/ Tue, 23 Apr 2019 12:28:54 +0000 https://allaboutmannatech.com/?p=26123 How much weight and how many inches can you lose in a year? While most of us have to really...]]>

How much weight and how many inches can you lose in a year? While most of us have to really think to answer this question, Valerie Furrow already gave her answer: 76 lbs. and 112 inches! With this amazing result, Valerie won the TruHealth™ Transformation Challenge Grand Prize of $10,000 CASH!

“I’m 64 and had not been under 200 pounds in over 25 years. I lost 38 pounds and many more inches than that in the first 90-day Challenge. By January 19, 2019 I was down 56.8 pounds and 85 inches.” Valerie said the transformation really made a positive difference to her life, “Just a year ago, I had to have a seat belt extension on airplanes, and now I have extra seat belt length!”

Valerie did the entire TruHealth™ Fat-Loss system, including the coaching calls and NewYou90 Facebook group support. “I have a shake for breakfast and eat low glycemic meals. I use the TruShape and TruPure that comes in my pack.”

After winning the $10,000 Cash Grand Prize, Valerie is not planning on stopping her journey of improving her health, “I’m not done yet, I’m looking forward to the next 90-day challenge coming up on May 1st. I have another 62 inches left to lose. If you have friends or family that need help taking off some inches, I can whole heartedly recommend the TruHealth System. And the coaching and Facebook community really do make a big difference.”

More than a simple weight-loss challenge, the Transformation Challenge rewards improved health and wellness. Contest judges look at a combination of body fat percentage lost and the personal transformations that take place with the incorporation of new, healthy habits. To sign up for the contest, visit https://newyou90.com/challenge/  For more details, visit http://library.mannatech.com/9721.

奖金1万美元现金!Valerie Furrow赢得TruHealthTM重塑挑战赛总决赛冠军!

一年之内,你能减掉多少体重、三围能缩小多少?就在我们大部分人努力思考想给出答案时,Valerie Furrow已经用实际行动给出自己的回答:76磅(34.5公斤),112英寸(2.8米)!凭借这样惊人的成绩,Valerie Furrow当之无愧地成为TruHealthTM重塑挑战赛总决赛冠军,获得1万美元的现金奖励!

“我今年64岁,在过去的25年里,我的体重从没有低于过200磅(91公斤)。在我参加的第一轮为期90天的挑战赛里,我瘦了38磅(17.2公斤),到今年1月19日,我已经瘦了56.8磅(25.8公斤),三围缩小85英寸(2.2米)。” Valerie说,这样的转变给她的生活带来不少积极的变化:“以前坐飞机,我都需要安全带延长带,而现在,我的安全带居然还有富余的长度!”



TruHealthTM重塑挑战赛不仅仅是一场减脂比赛,它更注重参赛选手在健康方面得到的改善。比赛评委会考量选手体脂率下降指数和健康生活习惯的养成,为参赛选手投票打分。如果你也想参加挑战赛、赢取现金大奖,请登录https://newyou90.com/challenge/  注册,获取详细挑战赛信息,请访问:http://library.mannatech.com/9721.

¡$10,000 dólares en efectivo! ¡Valerie Furrow obtiene el Gran Premio del Reto de Transformación TruHealth™!

¿Cuánto peso y cuántas pulgadas puedes perder en un año? Mientras que la mayoría de nosotros realmente tiene que pensar para responder a esta pregunta, Valerie Furrow ya tiene la respuesta: ¡76 libras y 112 pulgadas! ¡Con este increíble resultado, Valerie ganó el Gran Premio del Reto de Transformación TruHealth™!

“Tengo 64 años y no había pesado menos de 200 libras en más de 25 años. Perdí 38 libras y muchas más pulgadas en los primeros 90 días del reto. Para el 19 de enero de 2019 ya había bajado 56.8 libras y había perdido 85 pulgadas”. Valerie dijo que la transformación realmente hizo una diferencia importante en su vida. “Justo hace un año, necesitaba una extensión para el cinturón en los aviones, ¡y ahora me sobra espacio en el cinturón normal!”.

Valerie hizo todo el sistema de Pérdida de Grasa TruHealth™, lo que incluyó las llamadas de “coaching” y el grupo de apoyo en Facebook de NewYou90. “Me tomo una malteada para el desayuno y como alimentos con un bajo índice glicémico. Uso el TruShape y el TruPure que vienen en mi paquete”.

Luego de ganar en Gran Premio de $10,000 dólares en efectivo, Valerie no planea en parar su camino hacia mejorar su salud. “Todavía no he terminado, espero con gusto el siguiente reto el  1.o de mayo”. Tengo otras 62 libras que perder. Si tienes amigos y familia que necesiten ayuda para perder algunas pulgadas, yo puedo recomendarles de corazón el Sistema TruHealth. Y el “coaching” y la comunidad de  Facebook realmente hacen una gran diferencia”.

Más que un simple reto para perder peso, el Reto de Transformación recompensa las mejoras en la salud y el bienestar.  Los jueces del concurso miran a una combinación de la pérdida del porcentaje de grasa corporal y de las transformaciones personales que ocurren con la incorporación de nuevos y más saludables hábitos.  Para registrarte en el concurso, visita https://newyou90.com/challenge/  para obtener más detalles, visita http://library.mannatech.com/9721.

Achievers’ Club Results for March! https://allaboutmannatech.com/achievers-club-results-for-march/ Fri, 12 Apr 2019 13:56:18 +0000 https://allaboutmannatech.com/?p=26046 The Achievers’ Club continues to grow! We now celebrate 120 individuals who have brought someone new into Mannatech each month! Congratulations to all of you!


Ron and Paulette Roy
Don McCormick
Dr. Steven and Barbie Hines
Judy Quick and Charlie Belt
Lewis A Shipowick
Kathy Martz
Silence and Nat Weeks
Judith B Deane
Douglas and Mary Wickham
Gena Hayashi
Atsuko Ghaemi
Michael and Cherrly Vanderhoof
MaryEllen Carlson
Linda Mears
Jeff and Mary Erb
Carey Fumerton
David Durant
Amanda Latreille
Lillian Cartagena-Mercado
Nell Finney
Sharon Cashin
Renaissance Health
Merri-jo Hillaker
Susan Weckter
Wendy and Don Kremer
John and Georgia Poludniak
Mary Peazel
Ray Barbuto
Gary and Patricia Browett
Jeffrey Byrne
Karen Hinkley
Mary Ann Huber
Bruce Hyde
Almeda Lahr-Well
Ed Clarke
Tony and Heather Gendvilas
Johanna Gil-Bala
Maria Aguilar
Hanzhong Du
Byoung Sik Kim
David Lee and May Yin
Ying Fang Zhao
Xiao Xu Li
Martha Ramirez
Jing Chen and Le Xiang
Shao Ning and Tony Tu
Shawn and Marcia Schaefer
Nancy Bacome
Jian Ping Le
Loredana Millar
Kim Lundell
David R Jauch
Jian Wei Hua
Sun Hye Kim
Yu Geng
Huang Man Cheng and Wai Lin Li
Sun Joong Kwon
Sophia Bloethe
Yiwen and Jiehua and Li Rong
Kyung Sook Lim
Li Liu
Ling Xiang Cheng
Eileen Derkatch
Xiu Jiang Xie
Fusen Bian
Huafen Yang
Wenjun Zhang
Jian Ma
Chenjie Gosse
Hong Qian
Tong Ning
Jenny Hung
Yiping Wu
Ira McNamara
Bin Zhou
Vicki Ariatti
Yan Li Shao
Shihong Zhao
Roy and Lisa Goodwin
Yan Zhang
Ryan Morice
Torrie Zimmerman
John Bruhl
Loanne Ellis
Xinyu Zhang
Alicia Rice
Holly Han
Ying Wang
Agnes Pasipanodya
Ellen S Lee
Thomas Fong
Chi Lan Li
Nu Lan Huang
Yukinari Suda
Heather Vandertas
li Wang
Lorenzo Lopez
Xiufen Zhong
Hong Ren
Emily Cosby
Minam Banuelos
Young Lee
Margaret Taylor
Hyon Chol Yun
Sonny Pak
Ian Kim
Aoi Nakayama
Sang Jin Ahn
Lieba Wang
Son Ki Ahn
Young Jin Ahn
Tommy Fong
Goay Ling Chew
Seil Kang
Atsuko Ghaemi
Hwie Tao Liu
Brenda Johnson
Dr. Christina Claywell
Xiaotian Wang
Xiu Lian Li




¡Resultados del Achievers’ Club para marzo!


¡El Achiever’s Club sigue creciendo! ¡Ahora celebramos a 120 personas que han traído a alguien nuevo a Mannatech cada mes! Felicitaciones a todos!


Ron y Paulette Roy
Don McCormick
Dr. Steven y Barbie Hines
Judy Quick y Charlie Belt
Lewis A Shipowick
Kathy Martz
Silence y Nat Weeks
Judith B Deane
Douglas y Mary Wickham
Gena Hayashi
Atsuko Ghaemi
Michael y Sherrly Vanderhoof
MaryEllen Carlson
Linda Mears
Jeff y Mary Erb
Carey Fumerton
David Durant
Amanda Latreille
Lillian Cartagena-Mercado
Nell Finney
Sharon Cashin
Renaissance Health
Merri-jo Hillaker
Susan Weckter
Wendy y Don Kremer
John y Georgia Poludniak
Mary Peazel
Ray Barbuto
Gary y Patricia Browett
Jeffrey Byrne
Karen Hinkley
Mary Ann Huber
Bruce Hyde
Almeda Lahr-Well
Ed Clarke
Tony y Heather Gendvilas
Johanna Gil-Bala
Maria Aguilar
Hanzhong Du
Byoung Sik Kim
David Lee y May Yin
Ying Fang Zhao
Xiao Xu Li
Martha Ramirez
Jing Chen y Le Xiang
Shao Ning y Tony Tu
Shawn y Marcia Schaefer
Nancy Bacome
Jian Ping Le
Loredana Millar
Kim Lundell
David R Jauch
Jian Wei Hua
Sun Hye Kim
Yu Geng
Huang Man Cheng y Wai Lin Li
Sun Joong Kwon
Sophia Bloethe
Yiwen y Jiehua y Li Rong
Kyung Sook Lim
Li Liu
Ling Xiang Cheng
Eileen Derkatch
Xiu Jiang Xie
Fusen Bian
Huafen Yang
Wenjun Zhang
Jian Ma
Chenjie Gosse
Hong Qian
Tong Ning
Jenny Hung
Yiping Wu
Ira McNamara
Bin Zhou
Vicki Ariatti
Yan Li Shao
Shihong Zhao
Roy and Lisa Goodwin
Yan Zhang
Ryan Morice
Torrie Zimmerman
John Bruhl
Loanne Ellis
Xinyu Zhang
Alicia Rice
Holly Han
Ying Wang
Agnes Pasipanodya
Ellen S Lee
Thomas Fong
Chi Lan Li
Nu Lan Huang
Yukinari Suda
Heather Vandertas
li Wang
Lorenzo Lopez
Xiufen Zhong
Hong Ren
Emily Cosby
Minam Banuelos
Young Lee
Margaret Taylor
Hyon Chol Yun
Sonny Pak
Ian Kim
Aoi Nakayama
Sang Jin Ahn
Lieba Wang
Son Ki Ahn
Young Jin Ahn
Tommy Fong
Goay Ling Chew
Seil Kang
Atsuko Ghaemi
Hwie Tao Liu
Brenda Johnson
Dr. Christina Claywell
Xiaotian Wang
Xiu Lian Li



Ron and Paulette Roy
Don McCormick
Dr. Steven and Barbie Hines
Judy Quick and Charlie Belt
Lewis A Shipowick
Kathy Martz
Silence and Nat Weeks
Judith B Deane
Douglas and Mary Wickham
Gena Hayashi
Atsuko Ghaemi
Michael and Sherrly Vanderhoof
MaryEllen Carlson
Linda Mears
Jeff and Mary Erb
Carey Fumerton
David Durant
Amanda Latreille
Lillian Cartagena-Mercado
Nell Finney
Sharon Cashin
Renaissance Health
Merri-jo Hillaker
Susan Weckter
Wendy and Don Kremer
John and Georgia Poludniak
Mary Peazel
Ray Barbuto
Gary and Patricia Browett
Jeffrey Byrne
Karen Hinkley
Mary Ann Huber
Bruce Hyde
Almeda Lahr-Well
Ed Clarke
Tony and Heather Gendvilas
Johanna Gil-Bala
Maria Aguilar
Hanzhong Du
Byoung Sik Kim
David Lee and May Yin
Ying Fang Zhao
Xiao Xu Li
Martha Ramirez
Jing Chen and Le Xiang
Shao Ning and Tony Tu
Shawn and Marcia Schaefer
Nancy Bacome
Jian Ping Le
Loredana Millar
Kim Lundell
David R Jauch
Jian Wei Hua
Sun Hye Kim
Yu Geng
Huang Man Cheng and Wai Lin Li
Sun Joong Kwon
Sophia Bloethe
Yiwen and Jiehua and Li Rong
Kyung Sook Lim
Li Liu
Ling Xiang Cheng
Eileen Derkatch
Xiu Jiang Xie
Fusen Bian
Huafen Yang
Wenjun Zhang
Jian Ma
Chenjie Gosse
Hong Qian
Tong Ning
Jenny Hung
Yiping Wu
Ira McNamara
Bin Zhou
Vicki Ariatti
Yan Li Shao
Shihong Zhao
Roy and Lisa Goodwin
Yan Zhang
Ryan Morice
Torrie Zimmerman
John Bruhl
Loanne Ellis
Xinyu Zhang
Alicia Rice
Holly Han
Ying Wang
Agnes Pasipanodya
Ellen S Lee
Thomas Fong
Chi Lan Li
Nu Lan Huang
Yukinari Suda
Heather Vandertas
li Wang
Lorenzo Lopez
Xiufen Zhong
Hong Ren
Emily Cosby
Minam Banuelos
Young Lee
Margaret Taylor
Hyon Chol Yun
Sonny Pak
Ian Kim
Aoi Nakayama
Sang Jin Ahn
Lieba Wang
Son Ki Ahn
Young Jin Ahn
Tommy Fong
Goay Ling Chew
Seil Kang
Atsuko Ghaemi
Hwie Tao Liu
Brenda Johnson
Dr. Christina Claywell
Xiaotian Wang
Xiu Lian Li
Award of Excellence Recipients https://allaboutmannatech.com/award-of-excellence-recipients/ Fri, 12 Apr 2019 13:33:06 +0000 https://allaboutmannatech.com/?p=26050 At MannaFest 2019, we presented nine fun and unique awards to our attendees:

Burning Up the Rubber Award – Presented to the Associate on the fastest track to Presidential Director in 2018. Winner:  Dr. Yun.

Good Morning Mannatech Award – Presented to the Associate who is consistently on social media every morning sharing good news about our wellness journey. Winner: Lydia Stasiak.

Great Mannatech Historian Award – Presented to the Associate who keeps the history of Mannatech. Winners: Nat and Silence Weeks (who provided materials for our 25th anniversary display).

Most Happy Award – Presented to the Associate whose attitude pulls us and others along through a sometimes-difficult business. Winners: Sue Dong and Justin Fung.

Greatest Wing Span Award – Presented to the Associate with wide influence and a willingness to help anybody (in or out of downline). Winner: Don Partridge.

Greatest Influencer Award – Presented to the Associate who teaches and trains others unselfishly. Winner: Lui Li.

It’s All Made Up Award – Presented to the Associates who have special skills (and senses of humor) for translation work. Winners: May Yin and Bobbie Cai.

Mannatech in a Box – Presented to the Associate who has shown such great commitment to inclusion and possibilities that she created their own translation system. Winner:  Satoe Nammo.

Candid Camera award – Awarded to the Associates who lend their voices to our training and events. Winners: Demra Robbins, Merri-jo Hillaker, Kevin Robbins.



燃烧的橡胶奖 – 颁发给在2018年以最快的速度晋升为PD的经销商。获奖者:Dr. Yun。

早安美泰奖 – 颁发给经常一早就在社交媒体上分享美泰健康好消息的经销商。获奖者:Lydia Stasiak。

美泰资深史学家奖 – 颁发给一直在记录美泰历史的经销商。获奖者:Nat及Silence Weeks (他们为美泰25周年庆典提供了不少展示资料)。

最高兴奖 – 颁发给那些能鼓舞我们度过难关的积极乐观的经销商。获奖者:Sue Dong and Justin Fung。

助人为乐奖 – 颁发给具有广泛影响力而且愿意帮助他人(无论对方是否是自己的下线)的经销商。获奖者:Don Partridge。

最佳影响力奖颁发给能向其他人提供无私教导和培训的经销商。获奖者:Lui Li。

最能瞎扯奖颁发给在翻译方面具有特殊才能和幽默感的经销商。获奖者:May Yin及Bobbie Cai。

美泰盒子奖 颁发给向那些在致力于创造自己的翻译系统时,能展现出无限包容性和可能性的经销商。获奖者:Satoe Nammo。

偷拍奖 – 颁发给最常为美泰培训和活动出镜的经销商。获奖者:Demra Robbins, Merri-jo Hillaker, Kevin Robbins.


MannaFest 2019 Annual Award Winners https://allaboutmannatech.com/mannafest-2019-annual-award-winners/ Thu, 11 Apr 2019 16:26:12 +0000 https://allaboutmannatech.com/?p=26044 Our Friday night session at MannaFest 2019 was dedicated to recognizing outstanding performance. Congratulations to our Award Winners at MannaFest 2019!

Rookie of the Year

  • Overall Winner: Dr. Hyon Choi Yun
  • Canada: Ying Zin Zhuang
  • USA: Qing Peng

Top Associate Enroller

  • Overall Winner: Zhuang Zhang & Yue Ma
  • Canada: Li Liu
  • USA: Dr. Hyon Choi Yun

Top Customer Enroller

  • Overall Winner: Hannah Thompson
  • Canada: Yiewen Li & Jiehua Rong
  • USA: Roy & Lisa Goodwin

Top Income Growth

  • Overall Winner: Tony Tu & Shaolan Gong
  • Canada: Hanson Ma & Carol Geng
  • USA: Paula M. Brinson

Business Builder of the Year

  • Overall Winner: Luciano Fidalgo
  • Canada: Yan Wang
  • USA: Suqin Dong & Justin Feng

Ray Robbins Giving Spirit Award

  • Canada: Tony Tu & Shaolan Gong
  • USA: Demra Robbins

Two new members of the Million Dollar Club:

  • Amanda and Paul Latreille
  • Xiao Xu Li (Hedy) and Gary Gao

We hope to see your name listed in the awards presented at MannaFest 2020!



Ganadores de los Premios Anuales MannaFest

Nuestra sesión del viernes por la noche en MannaFest fue dedicada a reconocer destacados desempeños. ¡Felicitaciones a Nuestros Ganadores de Premios en MannaFest 2019!

Principiante del Año

  • Gran ganador: Dr. Hyon Choi Yun
  • Canadá: Ying Zin Zhuang
  • UU.: Qing Peng

Mejor registrador de Asociados

  • Gran ganador: Zhuang Zhang & Yue Ma
  • Canadá: Li Liu
  • UU.: Dr. Hyon Choi Yun

Mejor registrador de Clientes

  • Gran ganador: Hannah Thompson
  • Canadá: Yiewen Li y Jiehua Rong
  • UU.: Roy y Lisa Goodwin

Mejor crecimiento de ingreso

  • Gran ganador: Tony Tu & Shaolan Gong
  • Canadá: Hanson Ma & Carol Geng
  • UU.: Paula M. Brinson

Constructor de negocio del año

  • Gran ganador: Luciano Fidalgo
  • Canadá: Yan Wang
  • UU.: Suqin Dong y Justin Feng

Premio Ray Robbins para el espíritu de dar

  • Canadá: Tony Tu y Shaolan Gong
  • UU.: Demra Robbins

Dos nuevos miembros en el Club del Millón de Dólares:

  • Amanda y Paul Latreille
  • Xiao Xu Li (Hedy) y Gary Gao

¡Esperamos que veas tu nombre en la lista de ganadores en MannaFest 2020!




作为2019 MannaFest的一个重要环节,“周五之夜”致力于表彰美泰经销商们的杰出表现。获得今年各项年度大奖的经销商名单如下,祝贺各位!


  • 综合: Dr. Hyon Choi Yun
  • 加拿大: Ying Zin Zhuang
  • 美国: Qing Peng


  • 综合: Zhuang Zhang & Yue Ma
  • 加拿大: Li Liu
  • 美国: Dr. Hyon Choi Yun


  • 综合: Hannah Thompson
  • 加拿大: Yiewen Li & Jiehua Rong
  • 美国: Roy & Lisa Goodwin


  • 综合: Tony Tu & Shaolan Gong
  • 加拿大: Hanson Ma & Carol Geng
  • 美国: Paula M. Brinson


  • 综合: Luciano FIdalgo
  • 加拿大: Yan Wang
  • 美国: Suqin Dong & Justin Feng

Ray Robbins 奉献精神奖

  • 加拿大: Tony Tu & Shaolan Gong
  • 美国: Demra Robbins


  • Amanda and Paul Latreille
  • Xiao Xu Li (Hedy) and Gary Gao



Ambrotose LIFE™ Slimsticks Info Now in Mannatechscience.org https://allaboutmannatech.com/ambrotose-life-slimsticks-info-now-in-mannatechscience-org/ Thu, 11 Apr 2019 13:31:51 +0000 https://allaboutmannatech.com/?p=26037 Specific product information about the Ambrotose LIFE slimsticks is now available at MannatechScience.org in English and simplified Chinese.

有关美泰新生代醣质营养素(独立条装)的详细产品信息(含中文版),现已在 MannatechScience.org 网站上发布,欢迎访问以下网址查阅:MannatechScience.org
